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My columns for the week of February 10, 2025

UNRELATED to anything here, I'm having a bit of an age moment -- my youngest, David, is celebrating his 18th birthday today, which means...


The Bad Manners Gun Club is a concept I first imagined about 40 years ago, and found its first expression in a laughably amateur but sincere one-off literary magazine I browbeat my English teacher into letting me produce during my senior year in high school. The medium is obviously different now, but the perspective is still the same: question everything, even if it offends someone, because the truth doesn't care about your feelings. 

The content of this blog is mostly links to my works in The Manila Times, because that takes up most of my time and mental energy, although I will from time to time post commentaries that don't fit my regular space. In addition to my Rough Trade column (which appears on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday each week), I write three of the The Manila Times' daily editorials every week, and occasional in-depth news articles and special features. I also host one-on-one TV interviews with interesting newsmakers, something that will become a regular weekly show beginning in November 2024, and I am the moderator of most of The Manila Times' monthly forums, which cover a wide range of topics. If that wasn't enough -- and by god, don't you think it ought to be -- I've also published a book on nuclear energy, and I'm writing two others, one of which will be my first novel. 

About me personally, I am a single dad, originally from Pennsylvania, and have lived in the Philippines for 20 years. I have a bachelor's degree in Economics and a master's in American History, and in my old life worked in the automotive industry. 

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