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A ‘movement’ without a goal cannot win

OVER the past couple of months, I have become increasingly more discouraged with the reactions of “the left” – that term bothers me, but a...

Some reality begins to creep into nuclear aspirations

Some reality begins to creep into nuclear aspirations -- My Manila Times column for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 

This was the last column before the election catastrophe in the US. My column for Thursday (today) was about the election, and my editors seemed to think it was better than I thought it was, because it was a little higher on the homepage than usual. It was written while said catastrophe was underway, so I was terribly distracted; it's not that it's actually a bad piece, it's just that it contains incomplete thoughts. So I may folder that one and forget about it. 

My column for this coming Sunday, however, I will share later, because it was my exercise in catharsis. And that will be my last commentary on this dreadful election, save for one other hopefully brief post on some observations about the liberal media -- not the election per se. What's done is done, and I'm done with it, too.

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